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Course Evaluations

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Add Multi-Course Reporting for Course Evaluation Reports

Can you please add multi-course reporting to the Course Evaluation reports, like you did with the other course reports? Sometimes I have a curriculum with multiple courses included, and while I know I can add the evaluation to the entire curriculu...
5 months ago in Course Evaluations / Reporting 1 Fair Probability of Delivery

Add Course Title to Course Evaluation Report

It would be incredibly helpful to add the Course Title as an option to view on the course evaluation reports. Sometimes, I run course evaluation reports for multiple courses that were part of a curriculum, and then I have to pay very close attenti...
5 months ago in Course Evaluations / Reporting 0 Fair Probability of Delivery

Course Evaluations report needs more detail

Currently in the Course Evaluations report you can only choose from the following data: Date Added Department First Name Id Last Name Question Rating Session Name Text It would be great if we could choose from the normal options that we get in oth...
over 2 years ago in Course Evaluations / Reporting 0 Fair Probability of Delivery

Evaluation Report - Course Evaluation Answers

Hello, at the moment the Course Evaluation Answers report has one column for all the different questions included in it. Reviewing and analyzing the different answers is not very user friendly due to the format of the data. It is possible to filte...
over 2 years ago in Course Evaluations / Reporting 3 Fair Probability of Delivery