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Manager Experience

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Only include active users in Manager Experience

Currently, inactive users are included in the Manager Experience direct reports. Admins must manually delete inactive users from the Managers direct reports list.
over 1 year ago in Manager Experience 3 Low Probability of Delivery

Manage course administrators separately from user management

Currently the course visibility for admins is based on which group or department the admins are managing. However, there are cases where an admin has user management rights for users but should not be able to manage a certain course for them. Exam...
3 months ago in Admin Experience / Manager Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Include Observation Checklist Reviews in Manager Experience

It would be awesome if we could allow managers to complete the review process for observation checklists in the Manager Experience instead of having to navigate to the Reviewer Experience. We often have managers set to be the reviewers.
6 months ago in Manager Experience / Reviewer Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

give managers the ability to re-assign or deactivate team members

Managers are the first to know if their team changes, give them the ability to transfer a person to a different manager, or deactivate their account if they have left the compnay.
almost 2 years ago in Manager Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery