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Admin Experience

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External Training Custom Fields for Tile

We currently are using the external training tile so supervisors and managers are able to request training sessions for their department, team o individual employees. Unfortunately, we are not able to add a custom field for the form and are limite...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Manager Experience 0

make it easier to find an existing category

When you want to indicate a category for a course, you can look up a category by name. It then appears but without the associated parent categories. We often have the same category names under other parent categories, which makes it very cumbersom...
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 0

Automate Manager and Admin Role Provisioning

I would like to automate assigning a specific admin role or a manager role to a user, based on a specific criteria, similar to how I can enable availability rules for courses and resources. For example, I would like to grant an admin or manager ro...
4 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Absorb Academy in Spanish

With Amplify content in Spanish, support staff at Absorb speaking Spanish for email support, and Implementation Project Managers available in Spanish, it would be a great addition to add further support to the Spanish-speaking clients by presentin...
9 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Duplicate Collaboration Build

Adding the option to duplicate a collaboration build would save us a lot of time due to having to recreate many of the same collaborations just for different groups of learners. We utilize this feature daily for the online and ILC course builds.
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Ability to Search a Custom Field Dropdown Box

When there is a large number of options within the dropdown box of a Custom Field, we'd like to be able to search that list, rather than scroll through it. In A5 we could start typing a word and the system would bring us down to that section of th...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1

Course creation - need alert identifying section with missing required content

When creating a new course, you are unable to publish if some required content is missing. It frustrating and time-consuming having to hunt through all options looking for required content that has not been specified. Maybe a red "!" could appear ...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Set minimum amounts for coupon use and course purchases

We have a particular discount structure for course purchases, for example, 20% discount for 100+ course purchases. A minimum usage setting in the coupon set up would mean clients could not use the coupon for any less than the 100 users the specifi...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / eCommerce 0 Reviewed

Course/Session approval expiry or reminder

Course/Session approvals need some automation to follow up so they don't just sit there for months cause learners/leaders don't address them. Either an expiry/cancellation with notice to one or both the learner or supervisor or a reminder to the s...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Low Probability of Delivery

Add Evaluation option of to sessions of an ILC

There are many different presenters and topics within and ILC/ I'd like to be to evaluate each separately.
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses 1