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Admin Experience

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Drag and drop customizes tiles from one container to another.

When you are customizing the dashboard templates, and you have a customized a tile, but realize you would rather it be in a different container, you have to delete it and then rebuild it rather than just drag it to the desired container. This make...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Admin override of lock out

We frequently have new users who accidentally lock themselves out when logging in to our LMS. It is a pain that we cannot override the lock out and they have to wait 15 minutes before they can try logging on again. It would be helpful to be able t...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Courses - Under "Display Column", add "Supervisor" as an option

It would be nice to have a "supervisor" option to the selection under the Display Options. This would be helpful when running a report to be able to sort by a particular supervisor if required.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Send automated email when a user is deactivated

We have a policy to deactivate users who have not logged on for six months. It would be really helpful if we had the option to enable an automatic e-mail to be sent to the user when they are deactivated, to let them know how to contact us to react...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Reorder question answers

Please bring back the ability to move answers in a question. For example, move answer C to A.
5 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Add a field to insert Company time in sessions

It would be nice to have the possibility to insert Company time on sessions, this would represent the time taken for the instructor to prepare or participate to this specific session. If we enter the Compnay time at the course level for an IL cour...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Dynamic Date Filters for Groups & Course Availability

Why? Allow admin to create rules based on time frames rather than specific dates or ranges. This could be applied to rules in groups and courses. Who? One use case would be to add people to groups based on date hired, so they can see or receive co...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Unreviewed

Record Curriculum completion date based on the date of completion of the last course

This is a significant compliance issue - there is inconsistency in Absorb with how Curricula are fulfilled/completion date is recorded. Depending on how enrollment is completed within the system or via integration import, the date used to complete...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Manage Users - Sort by role type

Add a function to sort users by type of administrator role. Publisher, producer, reviewer, etc.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Add a Lockdown Browser (Respondus)

Absorb needs a lockdown browser. There is a Proctored exam feature on Absorb however Admins need to be able to lockout all other websites during certain exams. Respondus has a program that can be added to Absorb easily and quickly. Absorb would ne...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed