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Team Integration: AutoFill Unmatched Attendees

We request that the development team, puts a button on the AutoFill unmatched attendees report that automatically adds those people to the roster
almost 2 years ago in Teams 3

Zoom Integration Autofill Attendance Not Complete and Failed

The autofill for attendance needs to include the option to mark learners as Not Complete or as Failed. Right now it only allows for Complete/Absent, so we can't even use it and have to manually mark everyone Complete or Not Complete. We do not wan...
almost 2 years ago in Zoom 0

Copy all Course/Chapter/Lesson/Session Enrollments to local DB

We would like to copy all enrollments to our database for reporting purposes. Doing this for all Chapter Enrollments in our case would require over 500k api calls based on combinations of Users and Chapters. Having an Enrollment/Chapters api call ...
about 2 years ago in RESTful API V1.5 0

Offer an Onboarding Integration

Integrate with an Onboarding Tool, such as Userpilot, Pendo, or Whatfix that can be added to Absorb to help support Users throughout their Learning Journey. These platforms offer platform tours, onboarding checklists, spotlight features, and pop-u...
about 2 years ago in Integration / Learner Experience 0 Low Probability of Delivery

Add SCIM synchronization with Azure Active Directory

System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) is an open standard protocol for automating the exchange of user identity information between identity domains and IT systems. All of our internal systems are moving to this approach as I am told ...
about 2 years ago in RESTful API V1.5 12 Under Consideration

Sync Multiple Course Certificate Expiry Dates

An optional function found in the LMS course settings that would allow you to sync two separate course certificate expiry dates. Use case would be subsequent different knowledge level courses where the next course requires achieving at least an eq...
about 2 years ago in Integration 0

Proper OIDC Integration (Azure B2C)

The integration of OIDC is very limited and tailored around the use of Auth0. The implementation is not done according to the standard and therefore is only usable with Auth0. Other IdP (like Azure) can't be used because the Implementation needs F...
about 2 years ago in Integration 1

LinkedIn Learning Integration

I would love to see a "language" filter in the content library. This would make it easier for admins to sort and import content by language vs. relying on the naked eye to sort through over 20,000 courses. LinkedIn does provide an excel sheet of a...
about 2 years ago in Integration 1 Currently Available

Create API with Credly

This is useful so clients aren't forced to build their own API with the third-party, Credly. THis is used when users complete a course or curriculum in Absorb, it will automatically be pushed to Credly. Clients are forced to build their own API co...
about 2 years ago in Integration / RESTful API V1.5 / Webhooks 3 Currently Available

API to pull user management data

No description provided
about 2 years ago in RESTful API V1.5 1 Reviewed