Add an option to Create courses that prevents learners from advancing to the next slide until the audio on the slide is complete.
This would help ensure that learners cannot advance until the slide is complete. If they advance now, and the slide is required but not complete, then the course does not show as complete and they have to return to the menu and find the slide that...
almost 3 years ago
in Create
Currently Available
ability to sort course "slides" using a slide sorter view
It would be very helpful and time saving for me as the course creator if I was able to see my course slides in a slider sorter view and then be able to move them around in different order. The only want to see this view now is to act like I'm addi...
Create a course with objects and designate micro-learning at the object or chapter or course level. (Chapter can contain a video and quiz for example). Then designate delivery of each micro learning event to be delivered to the user at an admin de...
Integrate with Poll Everywhere for interactive learner engagement during live webinars
My organization has been searching for a way to actively engage with learners during a live, synchronous training - a la the functionalities included in Poll Everywhere. We want users to be able to login to a live vILT through Absorb, directly int...
A client has inquired about functionality for learners to manipulate objects in the slides and take a screen shot of their result, then download the file. From a pedagogical perspective, the product is constructive evidence of learning along the l...
We have to update our courses in Create nearly monthly. It would be great to be able to add a page and mark is as a draft. This way if part of the course needs to be re-published, but the draft part isn't ready yet, the course can still be publish...
Add Wistia to Absorb Create as an External Video Services Option
Currently in Absorb Create, the External Video Services options are Brightcove, Libcast, Vimeo and YouTube. It would be great if Wistia was added as another option for these External Video Services.