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Seeking for Absorb Content

Add "disable seeking" for absorb content
over 1 year ago in Amplify 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Add Course ID for LinkedIn Learning

With the existing LinkedIn Learning integration, when I convert my LinkedIn courses to Absorb courses this does not currently create a Course ID. I would like the conversion to automatically include a course ID in order to use this as a unique ide...
almost 2 years ago in Content 0

Absorb Content Reporting Tools

Submitting for a client. There may be value in adding more reporting tools to the Absorb Content report. Traliant Library for example.
over 2 years ago in Content 0 Reviewed

Turnkey Integration with OpenSesame Content Library

Create a turnkey integration with the OpenSesame content library. OpenSesame is currently offering one of the larger content libraries on the market and the lack of integration options provided by Absorb adds a significant amount of work for our t...
almost 3 years ago in Content 4 Currently Available