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Collaborations - notifications and tags

It would be really useful for the learners and facilitators to receive notifications either on their dashboard or in an email when a new collaboration is posted or a new comment is added. It would also be useful to have the ability to tag all or j...
over 1 year ago in Collaborations 3

Engage News article functionality for Whats New and Blogs

We have to use the News Articles in Engage so we have a way to share what's new or what we want to highlight. But I actually want to use the News for our Blogs and articles and I cannot since i need it for what's new. Would love to have the same f...
over 1 year ago in News Articles 0

Show overall Leaderboard

At the minute the Leaderboad tile on the homepage only shows the top ranking in your department. Since we have an overall leaderboard it would be very useful to have the option for this overall leaderboard top ranking users to be visible to everyo...
over 1 year ago in Leaderboards 0

Link Absorb ideas portal to Absorb LMS

Can there be a direct link from admin/learner's portal to this ideas portal so that we can quickly log any suggestions for any issues we face?
over 1 year ago in Engage 0 In-Progress

Add visibility and admin permissions to engage features

Right now engage features are only viable for system admins because when you are given engage permissions, you see all polls and news items created. We want to be able to give our admins the right to use engage features but only see what they've c...
over 1 year ago in Engage 0

Ability to moderate comments/posts in a Collaboration

It would be great to have the ability to moderate comments/posts within a Collaboration before they go live. Currently the only way to handle this is to first, hope for the best, and second, delete a post/comment. here could be a role for Moderato...
over 1 year ago in Collaborations 0

Pinning Posts in Collaboration

I would like to be able to pin posts in collaborations. This would allow admin and support to post answers to frequently asked questions, or recommended reading lists etc. and pin within the collaboration for students to view easily.
over 1 year ago in Collaborations 0

Link in billboard opens in current page

Links associated with a billboard will always open in a new, separate page/window. There should be an option to open the link in the current page/window OR a new page/window. The reason for this is that if you have a link to an Absorb spot and the...
over 1 year ago in Billboards 0

Clickable URL in 'reply' in a collaboration

Be able to add a clickable URL when you reply to someone's comment within the Collaboration feature.
over 1 year ago in Collaborations 1

Limit Name Visibility on Leaderboards, and Other Social Engage Features

Would like to have a way to make the Engage features to display the names of the Learners to be first name and then an initial. Our Learners are primarily external and also don't know each other personally. It's nice to have features like Leaderbo...
over 1 year ago in Engage 1