We need the option to be able to mark someone as complete/waived for curricula and/or online courses. This is a requirement for legal purposes to show they are 'certified' but didn't complete the content within the certification.
I have multiple admin users who are assigned specific and limited admin roles specific to a department. But they upload many users and would benefit greatly by having the ability to do bulk uploads of users. But currently that does not appear to b...
Make player stop playing online courses when users select another tab, window, or program
Presently the player in Absorb will continue to play an online learning program when a user has selected another application, program tab, or window. When using a review program such as Articulates review 360, their player stops when anything is s...
Include "time from completion" option on expiration settings to fully support subscription models
As Absorb starts fully supporting a subscription based model for curriculums, we need a way to expire access to content that has been fully consumed (or completed). I’d like to ask for a new option to be included when setting up courses/curriculum...
Resource Organization in Course (Resource Folders, Resource Sorting, Resource Ordering)
Ability to have folders and subfolders of resources within a course. Also ability to keep resource order/ sort resources within a course. (This is both an admin issue for set-up but also affects learners taking the course).
I need to train my workforce on procedures that are confidential/proprietary. I want to be able to upload a manual as a course object without an employee being able to download it and possibly share it with a competitor. I only want them to be abl...
The ability to place the HOURS in the course TILE view within a catalog.
While clients access our catalogs, the tiles that show title, "on-Line Course", star rating etc, should be able to show the number of hours the course is without having to go into the course description and review credits.
Ability to support multiple custom SMTPs so that different divisions/departments can have their own custom SMTP for LMS emails. Ideally the course rules based on department would drive the "sender" of an email notification from the LMS
Give admins and managers the ability to review quiz responses (so we can effectively retrain) and the ability to review uploaded documents during audits and inspections.