We'd like to be able to have one published version of a job aid or user guide that can be pulled into courses and or curricula. We might be able to do this already by using the URL from the published resource inside of a course or curriculum rathe...
As of right now, either all users set in the self enrollment rule require approval to access a course if an approval is required. It would be nice if we could choose specific groups that require approval while leaving it open and not require appro...
AI for templates for Absorb course details such as description, learner comms, certificates. Potentially having sections where we can input the duration of training and add a one liner description of the type of training.
At the moment there are some limiations on which elements can be customised per department. For example, I can set up a different logo and favicon per department, but the tab name shown next to the favicon in the browser is the same across all dep...
Ability to support multiple custom SMTPs so that different divisions/departments can have their own custom SMTP for LMS emails. Ideally the course rules based on department would drive the "sender" of an email notification from the LMS
We need the option to be able to mark someone as complete/waived for curricula and/or online courses. This is a requirement for legal purposes to show they are 'certified' but didn't complete the content within the certification.
Resource Organization in Course (Resource Folders, Resource Sorting, Resource Ordering)
Ability to have folders and subfolders of resources within a course. Also ability to keep resource order/ sort resources within a course. (This is both an admin issue for set-up but also affects learners taking the course).
It is frustrating that learning objects that WERE attached to a course can't be deleted unless the entire course is deleted. The learning objects were clearly NOT assigned to any course and all tags were removed. The learning objects say they are ...