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Core LMS

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Generate Report File - Not require admin to create a saved layout first

Can admins have the ability to save adhoc reports (course lists, user lists etc) to an Excel file without first having to make into a saved layout? Every week I get asked to check on various things and create various custom reports. After filterin...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 1 Unreviewed

Customizable Learner Login Page

The ability to configure the layout and format of the Learner Login page would enable a more cohesive and deliberate design prior to the user accessing the LMS
over 3 years ago in Core LMS / Learner Experience 4 Unreviewed

Option to Display Additional Statuses for Courses in the Catalog

Currently it is possible to indicate that Courses are Mandatory or Featured, additional or custom statuses would enable the ability to communicate further relevant labels and surface these courses to Learners
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Core LMS / Learner Experience 1 Reviewed

Self Reported Tasks

The ability to configure a task where a Learner can report their status for the Task with the option for an administrator to approve the status before the learner can proceed with their Course
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Core LMS / Learner Experience / Task Lessons 2 Reviewed

Add new post-enrolment rule: When learner selects their ILC session

I would like to reveal an Online Course only after a learner picks their session in their ILC. Two workarounds that don't quite fix the problem: Right now learners that meet a rule can see an ILC in the Featured Courses or Catalogue without enroll...
almost 2 years ago in Instructor Led Courses 0 Unreviewed

Add option to disable "Confirm Quiz Attempt" dialogue box

In the new learner experience, a "Confirm Quiz Attempt" dialogue box pops up before taking a quiz/assessment. In our use case, we want users to take an assessment one time only, rendering this dialogue box unnecessary. I have attached a screenshot...
almost 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

A trigger to automatically toggle on Reviewer

When a user completes a certain competency or course, this will toggle on Reviewer within their user settings.
almost 2 years ago in Reviewer Experience 0 Unreviewed

Allow Self-Enrollment with Competency NOT EQUAL TO

Self-enrollment currently only allows us to opt in learners with a specific competency. It would be of tremendous value to set specific self-enrollment rules with a Competency NOT EQUAL TO so that we an more easily include/exclude learners. Thank ...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Dynamic Search Filters

It would be great if I could create reports to share with groups that will dynamically adjust based upon the person's information. For Example, I'd like to create a report that shows ILC Sessions / Activities based upon who the instructor is, I'd ...
6 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0 Unreviewed

Ability to support e-commerce via Absorb App

As a provider of e-learning content both to internal and external users, having the ability to allow my learners to select courses to purchase from the content library would increase their accessibility and allow me to sell more of my content to m...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed