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Core LMS

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Ability to duplicate a global resource

Sometimes Global Resources have multiple and highly complex availability rules. It would be nice to be able to duplicate a Global Resource so that complex rules don't have to be redone with each resource posted.
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 2

Admin and Manager Oversight of Quiz and Uploads

Give admins and managers the ability to review quiz responses (so we can effectively retrain) and the ability to review uploaded documents during audits and inspections.
7 months ago in Online Courses 1 Currently Available

Instructor led courses - Admin/Reviewer enrollment

It would be beneficial for our admins and reviewers to be able to enroll learners onto a specific ILC. For example if admins add the course and all the available dates and then another admin or reviewer could go in and assign all the people they l...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Allow discounts for group purchases

We would like the option to provide discounts for group purchases. Right now, discounts can be made available for single purchases or set up so that single or multiple purchases can receive it. However, we need to be able to say if more than 'X' l...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / eCommerce 0 Gathering Interest

Add special characters to observational checklist comment box

Currently, you cannot add any special characters in the comment box at the end of an observation checklist. The 'post' button remains greyed out until removed. This includes basic characters like % & ! ? Can this be reviewed?
about 2 years ago in Observation Checklist Lessons / Reviewer Experience 1 Currently Available

Make saved layouts linkable

Currently, the only way to share a layout I'm aware of is to use the share and choose a group. I can appreciate maybe the challenges with permissions etc., but it would be so nice to save the layout and be able to share a link to that layout. For ...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Future Consideration

Assign custom due dates when enrolling users through Manager Experience

No description provided
over 1 year ago in Manager Experience 0

Update/ Modify Course Completion Date without Having to Mark as Incomplete or Unenroll

In order to update the completion date for a course that has already been completed, currently we have to mark the course as incomplete > save > mark the course as complete with the new date > save again. We have to do this a lot for our ...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Gathering Interest

Course calendar view that shows all available courses

It would be great if from the homepage drop down menu, instead of seeing "My Course Calendar" to view courses you are currently enrolled in, you could see simply a "Course Calendar" where you can view all courses you are eligible to enroll in, in ...
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Gathering Interest

Desire Ability to Save Section Icon Selections for Course Editing

Desire Ability to Save Section Icon Selections for Course Editing, please add this to AR interface if possible
over 1 year ago in Online Courses 1 Future Consideration