Observational Checklist - System Admin seeing all "In-Progress" Users
With observational checklists, if a Reviewer accidentally clicks on an employee, as a system admin we have no way of finding where that employee went. If I don't care about restricting reviewers' user management settings (or experience high turnov...
Extend a missed deadline/due date to an individual
We set deadlines for courses but if a individual misses that deadline it would be great to have the ability to extend or set new a deadline/due date for a individual instead of having to change the entire course.
It would be great to have the file manager house anything that was uploaded into Absorb - uploads and resources in a course. It is not easy for the admin to use file manager for uploads and search within a course to replace/find the course Resources
View Course Upload Report from Course Upload area when editing course
There are many instances when an administrator is editing a course and they want to access reporting information for a particular item / learning object but can't. For example, editing course uploads, an admin wants to see a list of all files uplo...
Allow departments to have status of active and inactive
Today, Absorb displays how many views each FAQ has but it would be great if we could see the detail of the views, specifically the date viewed. (User story as an Admin I would like to see if the FAQ views happened in the last 90, 120 days or prior)
Highlighting Mistakes/Required Fields to allow a course to be published
When editing a course, required items have red text next to them ' (Required) '. If a required field is not filled in you cannot publish a course, the 'Publish' button is dimmed out. Would it be possible to highlight the item(s) where attention is...
Currently, the progress wheel in the learner interface only reflects the number of lessons completed vs. not completed. Imagine a course that contains one lesson and one lesson object, a SCORM package. The Progress Wheel will not be related to the...