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Core LMS

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Remove expiration date from course when user enrolls in curriulum with no expiration

Currently if a user enrolls in a course through a curriculum with an expiration date, the course will recieve the associated expiration date. If that user later recieves a curriculum with no expiration date containing the same course, the expirati...
about 3 years ago in Online Courses 1 Future Consideration

Drag and drop activity on mobile app

We use a number of sorting activities where users need to drag boxes into a different box in order to sort them. These are a few useful activity on our courses but this is not compatible on the mobile app. When you drag the box to sort it in the c...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0

LinkedIn SSO

Have LinkedIn as an SSO option for new registrants
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 1 Currently Available

Greater flexibility in prerequisites and badges

Instead of saying “you must complete these five courses in order to get this badge/fulfill this prerequisite”, we would like the option to say “you must complete three out of these five courses in order to get this badge/fulfill this prerequisite”.
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Currently Available

Course Due Date changes should not always be Retroactive

When it comes to updating due dates they're retroactive ( Retroactive Course Changes ), there's currently no flag to keep enrolled due dates. Currently the only work around would be to duplicate the course for the new enrollments. This scenario ma...
about 3 years ago in Online Courses 1 Gathering Interest

Exclude equal sign in Enrollment Key name

We manage thousands of enrollment keys and cross-reference in excel with data from other sources. When the code for an enrollment key begins with an equal sign, it is very difficult to work with in Excel. Even if the data is set as Text, Excel att...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration

Need for exclusion operator for custom list field for setting up student enrollments

For very long custom fields that are lists, we need to be able to choose an exclusion operator (not equal to) list item. For us, the equal to operator would be way too long.
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration

In List View, mandatory courses need an indicator

Courses marked as mandatory have the orange stopwatch when listed as an icon. However, within a curriculum, the courses show as a list and there is no indicator that a course is mandatory.
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Mass enroll users via Enrollment Report + filters

We need to perform a one time mass enrollment on a population of people that have completed a particular course and fit certain criteria. I can filter my course enrollment report to the exact population I need, but, the enroll user function is not...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 1 Future Consideration


over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration