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Core LMS

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Manager Experience - Session Approvals not included in "Pending Approval" tile

To whom it may concern, We noticed that session approvals were not showing up in the "pending approval" tile for the manager experience. We checked with our CSM and were informed that only Course, Curriculum and ILC approvals were included for tha...
over 1 year ago in Manager Experience 3 Unreviewed

Allow Admin Role To Be Searchable or Used As a Filter

Admins are assigned role(s). Enable the ability to search for users by role. Imagine a role being available as a filter or rule. We can then assign or make available groups, courses, dashboards by admin role. It also allows for easier reporting an...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Core LMS 1 Unreviewed

Allow Absorb Academy playback speed adjustments and transcripts for Admins.

What challenge are you facing today? The current course playback settings require admins to review courses at their natural pace, which can be time-consuming. This slows down the process of evaluating multiple courses for relevance, quality, and a...
about 2 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Reviewed

Self Enrollment vs Forced Enrollment Notifications

I would like the ability to set a notification of enrollment separately for self enrollment and forced enrollment. When an admin or manager assigns an object I want the notification to be sent however when a learner self enrolls I would like the n...
4 months ago in Core LMS 0 Unreviewed

Keep individual enrolments rules for when sitting in a curriculum

We do not want our leaners enrolling into a course and session as this responsibility sits with the Manager due to their being a cost and workshop schedule. We have set enrolment rules at the course level, but when the course is added to a curricu...
4 months ago in Manager Experience 0 Unreviewed

Add Thumbnail option for global resource categories

We use global resources in our LMS as sort of a file manager for our franchisees to grab corporate documents like forms, SOPs, marketing collateral, etc. We also have a library of all of our corporate accounts listed from a-z with all documentatio...
8 months ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Multi language subtitles

We are looking at expanding our course materials to Spanish speaking learners. We would like to see the option of selecting multiple language in the sub title menu, so our learners could select their prefered language.
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience / Video Lessons 2 Unreviewed

Allow Post Enrollments to re-enroll

We have observation checklists where a learner may have to demonstrate knowledge learned from multiple courses within a curriculum. It would be useful to allow a post enrollment on the observation checklist that would re-enroll a learner in releva...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Currently Available

Course Status - Perpetual

When engaging with 3rd party content that offers an on-going and tailored training experience, there isn't a completion message to send to the LMS. This results in the course as always showing In Progress. During the course creation process it wou...
11 months ago in Admin Experience 2 Unreviewed

Mark a Question as Inactive in a Question Bank

In order to adjust the scope of a question bank, the ability to mark a question as inactive while retaining existing responses would enable the ability to revise the purpose of a question bank without compromising existing assessments
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Core LMS 0 Reviewed