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Online Courses

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Set a default category for all new courses

A fellow Absorb admin isn't assigning courses a category, so they are all uncategorized and appearing at the root level. Could you add a setting to force all new courses to be assigned a category, that way I can add them to his area by default and...
3 months ago in Curriculum / Instructor Led Courses / Online Courses 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Option to remove history from course duplication

Please could we have the option to remove the course history of a new course that has been created when duplicating from an existing course. We often duplicate our courses so that we can provide our training to different clients that have slightly...
3 months ago in Online Courses 1 Reviewed

Allow for More Control in Rqmt of Syllabus

In the syllabus section of a course's design, allow for more options. For example, mimic the minimum courses option in curricula and do "minimum chapters." Or allow chapters to be optional.
3 months ago in Online Courses 0

additional bulk change functionality

Loving the new bulk edit function, please add more options :) Specific one that I just encountered was modifying enrollment rules.
3 months ago in Online Courses 0

Hot Spots capabilities in the Interactive Learning Objects

Having the ability to upload our own media (picture or video) and add hot spots that would require the learn to identify those areas on the media before moving on to the next task would be hugely beneficial.
3 months ago in Online Courses 0

Greater Survey Functionality

The survey learning object is very limited. I'd love to see some greater functionality added to it, such as: - A way to make them more anonymous- Horizontal Rating Scale Rating Option- Various Dichotomous Question options- Drop-down capability- Ot...
4 months ago in Survey Lessons 0

Add tags/fields to Lessons for metadata

We would like to be able to associate tags/metadata to lessons. This will help with the LMS search to return specific lessons (instead of only based on course tags). We also have some integrations running that pull courses & lessons and today ...
4 months ago in Learner Experience / Object Lessons 0

Auto re-enroll upon failure for online courses

When a student fails an online course, is it possible for the system to automatically re-enroll them until they pass, or do not mark the course (and curriculum if part of one) as completed? This would eliminate the need for admin management as our...
4 months ago in Online Courses 1 Currently Available

Enable CourseID As Merge Field in the Online Course Failed Message Template

Today, if I try to insert an automatically generated deep link to the course within the failed email message template; the link doesn't work. This works in the online course enrollment and nudge (reminder) email message templates. Allow the Course...
4 months ago in Online Courses 0

Add page numbers to lessons created in absorb

Sometimes it would be nice to be able to add a number to our lesson pages.
4 months ago in Online Courses 1