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Provide option for curricula enrollment to trigger re-enrollment in courses

Each year we require our associates to complete legally required courses. The course names typically do not change but we slightly alter the content. The number of courses each department is required to complete varies, so we create multiple curri...
almost 2 years ago in Curriculum 1 Future Consideration

Import Job Keys to a Curricula

We have multiple Curriculums and need to assign about 100 Job Keys to each. Appears as though Job Keys have to be added to a Curricula one by one. Would like the ability to import Joy Keys as .csv. At minimum, would be beneficial if could add mult...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum 1 Partially Available

Curriculum Sign-off by Admin to Include Contained Courses

Curriculum sign-off by Admin does not sign off contained courses. Please add this as primary or optional functionality.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum 1 Future Consideration