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Allow users to REpurchase on behalf of others

We love the addition of the "repurchasing" functionality along with the "purchase on behalf of others" checkbox on the shopping cart page. We're requesting that these two features be combined to allow users to repurchase course on behalf of others...
12 months ago in eCommerce 0 Reviewed

Re-enrollment requires purchase

this used to be a setting based on documentation. If we have a course that has ecommerce, and the learner is scheduled to take it again we set allow for re-enrollment rules. that re-enrollment bypasses ecommerce. Obviously if we charge them for th...
about 3 years ago in eCommerce / Learner Experience 4 Currently Available

Date Format on eCommerce Functionality

Have the ability to change the date format from MM/DD/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY within the eCommerce functionality to suit the Australian market.
over 1 year ago in eCommerce 1 Reviewed

Edit receipt template

Have the ability to edit the receipt in the eCommerce > Transaction > Receipt section of Absorb, as in Australia we need ABN number on this, and right now we can use this function to regenerate receipts for customers.
over 1 year ago in eCommerce 4 Reviewed

Separating out ecommerce and free registration

Currently, users have to go through the same "Checkout" process to enroll in free webinars, courses, etc as if they are purchasing the course. It would be nice that if the user is logged into their account they can just click on Enroll and it auto...
almost 3 years ago in eCommerce / Learner Experience 1 Under Consideration

Upload Coupon Codes by mass data excel entry option

I create around 40-50 coupons per week. Our company incentivizes equipment purchases by providing a free training coupon. This enhancement would provide a quicker turnaround time to the customer to redeem their coupon and would reduce the producti...
9 months ago in eCommerce 1 Reviewed

Partial Refund

When marking a transaction refunded, please added the enhancement of being able to change the refunded dollar amount. If we only submit a refund for 1 seat but 2 seats were purchase, the information is skewed and could lead to confusion if needing...
over 1 year ago in eCommerce 0 Reviewed

Set up better integration with payment gateways

There is no ability to differentiate products and run analytics through Stripe or any other e-commerce integration.
5 months ago in eCommerce 0

Shopping Cart Quantities

When ordering multiple items in the shopping cart, allow the quantities to be different for each item. Here's the scenario, I am a corporate buyer and want to purchase 5 of course A, 10 of course B, 8 of course C. I'm expecting to receive a separa...
almost 3 years ago in eCommerce / Learner Experience 6 Reviewed

Allow shopping cart to automatically empty after an optional period of time.

When a person makes a purchase and they have an open cart, the system is assigning the date the cart was left open as the transaction date and not the current date of the purchase. We recently had a purchase in January 2024. The person had an open...
about 1 year ago in eCommerce 4 Reviewed