Wish list to help with accessibility and design. (See attachment for the detail breakdown) Able to add buttons on the welcome banner as well as text to help with accessibility Standard pages background colour background Make the tiles have round c...
Progress Bar For Video Uploads - Video Lesson Type in Online Course Builder
No progress bar when uploading videos We can easily upload files that are 1-2gb. Many of our users do not have faster connections. Without a status bar it's hard to judge when to come back to the screen for them. Typically if an upload takes 10 mi...
In our nudge and expiration emails, we would like to include the phrase: "your certificate expires in xx days", rather than inserting the actual date of expiration. Could this be added?
Make Post Enrollment Actions Relative to the ILC session Date
Rather then choosing X# of days to delay a post enrollment, we would like the delay to be relative to the session date. For example, complete the automatic post enrollment 21 days before the session date.
Limit Admin Ability to Enroll but Not Visibility to Reporting
There is content that we cascade that needs to be taken and reported on but the target audience is very specific and we do not want admins outside of the system admins to be able to enroll other users in. I would like to be able to limit enrollmen...
For courses, rather than being able to see task and assessment information by task/assessment, it would be ideal to see marks across all tasks within the course by learner.
When ILC are created with recurring meetings, people might want to join sessions that are already started - like for a use case of office hours. At the moment, they cannot.
Pre-Test Score Data Entry Field for Instructor-Led Sessions
At my organization, we test in and out of our technical training course content. We could really use a data entry in the back end of instructor-led sessions to enter pre-test scores.
Have additial 'place holders' available for email templates
Our employees are asking to see the following information in the enrollment and in the nudge emails: duration of course >>>> this is provided either by the value for 'estimated time to complete' or the value for 'Learner Time', we u...