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Observation Checklist - Item description misleading, showing online course instead of a checklist type of item.

The item description should indicate that this is a checklist type of item and not an online course, as it currently indicates. It's very confusing for the users. Our partner users see that the description states "online course" and are confused w...
3 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 1 Unreviewed

Adding created by filter to User report

Hello, There are cases when we need to find how the user was created and who created the user so it can be tracked. This filter is presently missing in the tool and to get such reports costs because it requires scoping etc. This parameter is alrea...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Add ability to bulk approve external training submissions

Add the ability to bulk approve external training submissions. Today when I try to select more than one submission, the approve button grays out. It's not efficient for managers to approve submissions one by one.
over 1 year ago in Manager Experience 0 Unreviewed

Banner on Sandbox

When in the sandbox, it would be very helpful to have some type of banner or other visual alert that I know I'm in the sandbox. It's easier than I realized to be back and forth and forget which one I'm in.
about 1 year ago in Core LMS 3 Unreviewed

Mark user profile fields as mandatory

We have different users creating new users in the LMS. There are certain fields that we must have completed, such as language, country, are they an admin, and are they a user creator, both of which are custom fields. The fields are used by the sys...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Unreviewed

fix/pin the header

It would be great if the header with the search magnifying glass wouldn`t disappear if I scrall down a page.
6 months ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Ability to schedule a publish date for courses/curricula

We make updates to curricula and courses over time as our product changes. We'd like the ability to make changes that are scheduled to publish at a specific date and time. Currently we have to wait to publish changes manually at our launch date. T...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Course Evaluations for selected user

Go to Users and select a user. Add a 'Course Evaluations' button which will list all of the courses they've completed and left feedback. Click a course and it shows the feedback given. This helps us because we enrol customers onto multiple courses...
6 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Add conditional formatting to dashboard

It would be nice if we could add conditional formatting (like color or other font adjustments) to Analyze dashboards. For example, if a course is not completed and is past due, it would be nice to have that display in red, or bold it, etc.
over 1 year ago in Analyze 1 Unreviewed

Recognize leading numbers when alphabetizing courses.

If I have a list of courses that are meant to be taken in order, I can only cause them to appear in order within their category folder in the catalog by adding a leading letter, "a. [course name 1]; b. [course name 2]; c. [course name 3]." It woul...
over 1 year ago in Core LMS 1 Unreviewed