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Add Location field to Department Progress Report

Can you please add Location field to Department Progress Report?
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Generate report should not take you away from the report in AR

In AR, when you generate a report, you should not be taken away from the report to have to download the report. PLEASE bring back the modal popup window that keeps users on the report page and allows them to download the report.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 8 Currently Available

API : GET the "Allow Self Enrollment" data per course

looking for a way to retrieve the list of departments that can access online course. Same as what is shown in the GUI attached. Using API, I'm fetching the state of my 160+ courses and I need to see at one glance what course belong to what depart...
4 months ago in RESTful API V1.5 0 Unreviewed

Auto assign all users for enrollment key to desired manager/supervisor

When creating an enrollment key, have all users who enroll using key, automatically link to the designated manager/supervisor for reporting.
4 months ago in Admin Experience 2 Low Probability of Delivery

Absorb's Development Roadmap

It sure would be nice to: (1) be able to have direct input on the prioritization of development efforts, (2) know with some clarity Absorb's roadmap and sprint schedules so we can have insights into what features are coming and when.
over 2 years ago in Platform 0 Unreviewed

Enable/Disable Editing Completions (Completion Editing Being a Role Toggle)

As a large company that uses Absorb to manage it's dealer network, each dealership has admins that we grant role abilities to. We've recently had a small volume admins begin to edit their team's teams completions in some form (e.g. assigning credi...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Re-Enroll from User Transcript

The ability to re-enroll is not on the Edit Enrollment or from the transcript view. It takes multiple convoluted steps to get a user re-enrolled once the enrollment information has been viewed.
9 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Upload Coupon Codes by mass data excel entry option

I create around 40-50 coupons per week. Our company incentivizes equipment purchases by providing a free training coupon. This enhancement would provide a quicker turnaround time to the customer to redeem their coupon and would reduce the producti...
9 months ago in eCommerce 1 Reviewed

Certificate of Completion Pop Up

Currently, when a user completes a course, there is no intuitive way for the learner to know to navigate to the course overview section or profile to grab their certificate to print out. Could we have a pop-up with the certificate and other achiev...
almost 2 years ago in Learner Experience 2 Unreviewed

Ability to moderate comments/posts in a Collaboration

It would be great to have the ability to moderate comments/posts within a Collaboration before they go live. Currently the only way to handle this is to first, hope for the best, and second, delete a post/comment. here could be a role for Moderato...
over 1 year ago in Collaborations 0 Unreviewed