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Notification Email

Allow admins the ability to manually or automatically send a notification email when a new course is published within Absorb LMS.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 5 Low Probability of Delivery

Ability to copy and paste settings from one course to other courses

We recently determined a setting was necessary for a lot of our courses and had to select and edit each individual course. It would be helpful to have a copy and paste function where you could copy an individual (or possibly multiple) setting that...
over 2 years ago in Online Courses 1 Reviewed

Boolean Search Needed for Learners

I added this into the old "ideas" area, but I will add it here. We really need the search function to be more boolean based (that sounds like a soup). As a catalog grows it gets harder and harder to find the course you are looking for as a learner...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Reviewed

Inconsistent Absorb Dashboard Theme Colors

It seems like there is an inconsistency in the color scheme used on the Absorb dashboard, which could lead to confusion. Specifically: Completed courses are indicated with blue buttons, while incomplete or unenrolled courses are marked with red. H...
3 months ago in Administrator Dashboards 0

Resource Expiry/ Retirement

We add some policies to the LMS Global resources for staff access, it would be great to build in a trackable expiration/ retirement date for resources that nudge the assigned person to upload a new version or review the current. Also would help in...
3 months ago in Reporting 0

Approvals should have date and time stamp

To manage approvals a date and time stamp of when user enrolled on report is critical to monitor response time
over 2 years ago in Reporting 1

Change "Delete User" button to Red

Had a few near-misses, almost deleting a selected user, rather than "Deselecting" them. The two buttons are right next to each other, and both start with "De". Suggest changing the color of "Delete" to red, and possibly adding a "Are you sure?" po...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Course Duration in Course Catalog

It would be great to have course duration as an option in course set up and visible for the learners. Our Customer Service reps only have so much time to do training between calls and it would be helpful for them to know how long a course will tak...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Reviewed

Give Managers the option to make a course Mandatory from the Manager Experience.

I suggest adding the option for Managers to make courses Mandatory when enrolling their learners into courses. Along with a due date. PLEASE!
12 months ago in Manager Experience 0

New File Manager: Toggle off suggested images

The suggested images are unlikely to be used by my team, and are often inaccurate or unapplicable. Please consider the option to toggle the suggestions ribbon off in the file manager, as it is unnecessary.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0