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Bulk Upload Quiz Questions

It would be a good feature to add 150 or more questions on LMS using single file (Excel or CSV). It will reduce a lot of work of manually adding quiz questions.
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Reviewed

Option for only Active courses to display as default in Admin access and also show which courses are active/inactive in the enrollments search functions

We'd like to prevent admins from accidentally enrolling users in inactive courses. Please allow the Active filter to be applied to a default view. This will help eliminate some confusion with all of the courses we offer and the many admins that ha...
4 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Next button from one learning object to the following learning object

There is currently no next button option from one learning object to the next from a learner experience. I think it would make the course flow better and would be more intuitive for the learner
about 1 year ago in Learner Experience 2 Unreviewed

Specify certain courses for leaderboards

When creating a new leaderboard, instead of just going with all courses or any courses that contain leaderboard points, being able to make leaderboards specific to curriculums or courses so we can track specific progress and can have multiple lead...
almost 3 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 3 Unreviewed

Add roles as an option to assign groups or courses

Currently, there is no option to set up assignments or groups using roles. For example, a group of our admins require a different level of communication and visibility within the system. It would simplify how we manage this communication if we cou...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Reviewed

Convert PowerPoint to an Absorb Create Course

It would be helpful if a PowerPoint presentation could be imported and converted to an Absorb Create course
over 2 years ago in Create 2 Currently Available

Sort Manage Content alphabetically as well as last edited

We have a lot of courses on the go in development and we have had to create a prefix standard to ensure we are managing the courses in production as well as development. We want to be able to not just sort by last edited, which is great, but also ...
8 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Manager experience should permit multiple managers to follow the same employees

We have multiple managers responsible for the same seasonal and fulltime employees. As such, it would be helpful if the manager experience permitted the assignment of the same employee to multiple managers in the organization. Some employees work ...
over 1 year ago in Manager Experience 0 Reviewed

Ability to change message at end of scoring quiz & only show #/# "Sorry, you have failed this quiz"

Ability to change the message at end of quiz "Sorry you have failed quiz" to allow different wording. Also allow abiltiy to show X/X or % or both
almost 2 years ago in Create 2 Under Consideration

Ability to sort total, future and past ILC sessions in chronological order

When you edit an ILC course, upcoming sessions are displayed in chronological order. But if you click on "Total sessions", "Future sessions" or "Past sessions", sessions are displayed in alphabetical order. Would it be possible to sort them in chr...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 8 Currently Available