Impersonate user button available on any user report page
Currently to impersonate a user you have to go to Users > Users (list) and select a user. If you are on any other report list page e.g. course enrolments and select a user, the impersonate button is not available. Can it be allowed for system a...
In the construction industry not all of our users are on devices/desktops all day. Looking through course descriptions is not always easy. Additionally, we have a list of required courses that we would love for managers to be able to easily flip a...
View attendance report for ILCs using Teams integration
We need the ability to pull the attendance report from Teams for ILCs using the Teams integration as we have attendance policies regarding total time in session. We noticed when we used the integration that a late arriver was marked as attending. ...
Since all courses show up in the User Enrollments (even when inactive) it would be helpful to be able to filter by Course status and filter out the active or inactive courses. I recommend adding Course Status to the filter and column options.
Manually choose which courses and/or lessons are required for completion
Allow admins to decide on a lesson & course level that the content is optional. We have a few courses in a curriculum that we don't want to be required in order to receive the certificate. We also have use cases when a lesson within a course i...
Add break duration to API documentation to be able to synchronize it for correct training hours monitoring.
For our personnel reporting we need to report training hours of the employees per years. It would be great if you could synchronize with session time + break duration of an ILC to have a more accurate value of the training hours.
Observation Checklist - Item description misleading, showing online course instead of a checklist type of item.
The item description should indicate that this is a checklist type of item and not an online course, as it currently indicates. It's very confusing for the users. Our partner users see that the description states "online course" and are confused w...
I wish there was a way to utilize the calendar tile more, like syncing outlook. This way, any mandatory courses can automatically go on their outlook calendar. Also, allow the learner to add a course they enrolled in to their outlook calendar.
System shouldn't notify the previous instructor (prior to saving) when duplicating a session.
Currently, If we duplicate a session and change the instructor before we save/publish, the session is capturing the old/original instructor and sending them a session update email notification for the new/duplicated session (again, before saving t...