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Status Fair Probability of Delivery
Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 15, 2021

Auto-generate deep links and make them available in message templates

Creating a deep link for a course is not difficult, however, you have to publish the course to generate the course ID, copy the course ID, then type out the entire deep link URL and cut and paste it where you need it. This adds several steps to the course creation process and it's easy to make mistakes or to forget to go back and edit the message template.

If the course link was simply a message template field that we could add to the message template, the link could be created upon publication and then used by the template.

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  • Guest
    Dec 5, 2023

    I agree with some of the other respondents. It would be very useful if there were a column on the courses report for the deep link's for each course that we can easily copy and paste or even when we pull reports. Its very tedious if you have a lot of courses to first go to the learner experience to find, encode the URL, and then attach the SSO link with a relay state and test for each and every course. This should be easily accessible.

  • Guest
    Oct 24, 2023

    I just want the the course URL link accessible to me on the admin side, rather than having to publish, go to Learner's view, and copy course URL link to obtain it. Why can the course URL be available in admin view somewhere? Anywhere?

  • Guest
    Apr 20, 2023

    Hi! Is there any update on this? We would really like to see the Course URL field available in the Online Course Completed, Online Course Failed, and Course Nudge message templates.

  • Guest
    Jan 19, 2023

    I would love to see the deep link as a column in the report view! It isn't too big of a deal if I am trying to grab the link for a course I haven't completed, but having it on the report view would be so much easier than the alternative, enrolling self and to grab the link and then un-enrolling.

    Also, you can use the course link tag reference in the email templates, but as you know, those urls are incredibly long and visually unappealing. It would actually be great if there was a way to hyperlink text in the email template, or to alter how that tag reference appears in the email template. Maybe something crazy like "click here" lol

  • Guest
    Dec 19, 2022

    I agree, Course URLs and Curricula URLs should be available in every message template, but right now they are only available in some which is frustrating and inefficient.

  • Guest
    Sep 1, 2022

    Noted Carolyn! Thank you for clarifying. That is why I asked, it did seem unlikely to me that any client would want a direct link to course material that could be used by literally anyone.

    Knowing this does make this idea more tenable and though I can't commit to a delivery timeframe right now, this is a good idea and will be addressed in roughly a priority order based on the Idea portal activity.

    Thank you for your input, and please continue to add more context to this so we get it right when development commences.

  • Guest
    Aug 22, 2022

    @Paul - I think all that you really need to do is add the Course URL field to the message template for Nudges. It's already there for online and instructor-led course enrollments. Frankly, I think it should be available for most (if not all) course related messages.

  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022

    Paul, we use SSO so for us I'm not sure that there would be a security hole. Maybe "deep link" is the wrong term I used? We need the course link so that the learner can go right from their enrollment/nudge emails to the course an not to the LMS homepage. If anything, having the course link viewable in the course report view would save steps from having to get into the course to copy the link.

  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022

    Hello Admins!

    Deeplinks are those which carry authorization so can be clicked by anyone and will work. This opens a security hole in the LMS, where an email containing the link can be sent to anyone and will work when clicked.

    Is that what is being asked for here?

  • Guest
    Nov 29, 2021

    We use deep links all the time and having to go back and forth from Admin to the Learner view is inefficient. Having the deep link in the email template would be extremely helpful. Or, "Plan B" at least put the link in the course report view. This is a very good suggestion!

  • Guest
    Nov 29, 2021


    I do this manually today in both the enrollment email template and the nudge template. This way, the learner can go right from the email to their course without having to search or find it on their homepage.

  • Guest
    Nov 26, 2021

    Thank you for the suggestion, Christopher! To clarify, which message template are you referring to? The enrollment email template?

  • Guest
    Sep 16, 2021

    I agree that this feature would be useful.

    A workaround that I use is to enroll myself in the course and copy the link that appears on the tile in the Learner Experience. Once I've copied the link, I un-enroll myself.