Absorb is not 100% up to par when it comes to managing multiple language (French + English).
The interface does not change everything when changing the language. I don't like having to change the language in the profile to reflect changes on the site. That should override the profile settings.
Whend sending messages to users, ADMIN should not have to change it's own profile to send a message in the correct language. It should be synchronized with the receipient profile.
My request is a bit different. When I set a user's language to something other than English in their profile, when they log in, the site comes up as English by default. Can the profile language be picked up during the login process, and change the default language of the site to that language?
Also, there are times when Spanish is referred to as Español and other times as Spanish. For instance when you create a language rule for a Global Resource, the rule has to equal (or start with) "Spanish". But when you select a language from the globe in the lower left, is says Español. Not a huge deal, but it took me a bit to figure out how to create the rule.
Good day Derek.
Marcia and I have touched based and through our testing confirmed that most message notifications (e.g. course enrollment, completion, etc.) do indeed pick up the learner's profile language and the notification is sent out to the learner in their language (see attached after setting my learner profile to Italian); therefore, I appreciate you and Marcia reaching out to clarify the original blanket statement is only specific to the New User message/notification. If there are others, please let Marcia know as she will be creating a bug ticket to be addressed.
thank you.
Hi Demetrio,
I've added Marcia to this email because she's aware of the experience we've
had so far, which I believe conflicts with what you've described as the
expected behavior of the system in your comment. Perhaps she could provide
some clarity.
Derek Ruhland
Sr. Manager, Training
Security Industry Specialists, Inc. (SIS)
Los Angeles * New York * San Jose * Seattle * Brazil
*800.201.3742 <800.201.3742> *x 1708 Office
*www.sis.us *
@Demetrio- If we set a user profile to, for example, Portuguese, the automated messages that go out (welcome email, enrollment notification, etc.) go out in English. What would be ideal is if the system automatically recognized the default language and selected the message template in that language to send out. We've been advised by our CSM Marcia Gonzales that the way to remedy this would be to temporarily paste the Portuguese text into the English message template, then enroll the students. The way I read your comment here, it sounds like the system should be doing what we want it to do, but that has not been our experience.
I agree with this idea, especially the last part of this idea. It would be great to be able to set a user's default language and then the system automatically selects that translation from the message templates when sending out automated messages.
Thank you for your idea. We do support different languages in our message templates that get sent to your learners in the language matching their profile setting. Might you provide more specifics as to whether the messages you would like to send are using those message templates or are you using the Compose Message facility with a custom message?
Absolutely. It's great to have the portal appear in the user's native language, but it's not so great when the email templates for new users and enrollment invitations cannot also translate to the user's profile language.