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Status Low Probability of Delivery
Categories Analyze
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 19, 2022

Default exclude deleted/inactive enrollments/chapters

Many of the data models include deleted and inactive items by default and require adding multiple filters to exclude that data. This is generally opposite of the behavior in reports and views in Absorb.

For example, if you copy a course for testing and enroll someone in that course, then delete the enrollment and course, the enrollment is still included when you count enrollments. When you try to filter by chapter, you now have two listings for each chapter.

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    Pamela Easterbrook
    Feb 3, 2023

    The nature of Analyze as a BI product is that it gives you 'all the data', there is no way for us to show you less data by default automatically and so we will not be able to action this request.

    We do understand that it can be cumbersome to exclude the data you are not interested in on your initial report but done once, it doesn't need to be done again.

    To make this less tiresome we recommend duplicating dashboards or widgets when you are 'building new' so that you don't have to apply all the filters every time.