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Created by Guest
Created on Apr 22, 2022

ceu credit for external training

Credit (ceu) from external training does not get added to learners transcript total. A system Admin should be able to add this without creating a work around blank online course and adding credit to it.

Can you add on the profile edit page an enter external total ceus? Then a system admin can add them up manually on the transcript and have them held on the profile page.

Or can we have the external ceus seperately added to the top of the transcript?

OR change the "total Credits" on the transcript to say "course credits" so it's not misleading.

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  • Guest
    Sep 26, 2023

    The majority of our employees need to renew their Professional licenses every few years and are required to have a certain number of CEU's or PDH's to meet these requirements. When they attend outside training or conferences, these are added as an "external training" and although they are able to enter the number of "credits", this information is not brought over into their transcripts. This would be a wonderful feature for Absorb to offer. As of now, it is as though these credits just disappear in their training records.

  • Guest
    Jan 16, 2023

    We need the ability to add external CEU's in different categories. The tile should have an option to both add the amount of credits and add the type of credits. In the medical world you need to obtain credits in various categories over a 3 year period to renew your license. I need the ability for each individual to input the credit, type of credit and track how many credits were earned in a 3 year period for each catagory.

  • Guest
    Jan 9, 2023

    Thank you for the additional context, everyone! Very much appreciated.

  • Guest
    Jan 9, 2023

    @Amanda Jones

    We track on a separate spreadsheet outside of the LMS right now. We haven't had our auditors using the external training option since it doesn't add up all the credits.

  • Guest
    Jan 8, 2023


    Because LMS doesn't handle credits correctly, we have a report that runs multiple times a day and get posted to an FTP. We then load the data into our internally created system that applies PDH credits to professional licenses. The main goal is to report the right total of PDH credits so people can see if they have enough credits to renew their license. It's a combination of internally and externally earned credits.

  • Guest
    Jan 6, 2023

    It would be great to change the wording to "course Credits" instead of total credits and then allow a filter to show it by year.

    For example MSHA 46 new miner requires 24 the first year and the refresher following is 8 ceus every year after that.

  • Guest
    Jan 6, 2023

    For tracking MSHA 46 the course has 8 credits attached to the certificate. But for MSHA the upload of the extra 14 ceus had to be created as a course seperately since the uploaded paper document into External Training did not combine into the overall CEUs on the Transcript.

    But when you have a course upload for completion on a course it does not display the uploaded signed/dated paper. We need this proof. So this is two steps. The employee has to complete the course by uploading the signed document into the course to receive CEUs and then they take the same document and upload into External Training for visibility incase MSHA asks for it.

  • Guest
    Jan 6, 2023


    Thank you for submitting this idea! I have added the Learner Experience category to this so that my colleague and I can discuss how we could best provide visibility of the credits earned via External Training.

    Due to the ingrained LMS business logic, we likely wouldn't consider combining Course Credits and External Training Credits into a singular total, but we would absolutely be open to exploring how to better surface and display credits earned through External Training.

    Out of curiosity, how are your organizations reporting on External Training credits in the LMS today? And what is the main goal of this reporting?

  • Guest
    Oct 17, 2022

    I would like to see this implemented too. Some kind of way of external training being reflected in total credits is required urgently.


External Training Credits should be added to the Total Credits in the LMS

Configure the external training function so that when credits are entered, they are added to the Total Credits Tally in the LMS
over 1 year ago in  0 Reviewed