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172 VOTE
Status Low Probability of Delivery
Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on May 2, 2022

Allow for "Department 'Is Not'" Enrollment Rule

When creating an enrollment rule for Courses or Groups, Absorb only allows you to use Departments is "Is Only" or "And sub-departments of" logic. I would like to be able to exclude a department by setting it to "Department" "is not", and then select the department.

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  • Guest
    Sep 16, 2024

    Great to have the ability to exclude specific departments now!

    It would be very helpful if you could also set inclusion of sub-department when a department is excluded!

  • Admin
    Patryk Pawelec
    Sep 16, 2024

    Hello Admins,

    I’m pleased to let you know that you now have the ability to exclude specific departments when managing groups. Once this is configured, you can incorporate the group into your enrollment rules. The system will automatically remove any excluded departments

    4 replies
  • Guest
    Jul 3, 2024

    This is a very needed feature!! With the current functionality along with Ecommerce, if an enrollment rule is selected it removes the course from public purchase. Which hinders us from promoting a program to new learners, which does us no good. So we have to make the course available to everyone just to keep it open to the public and then go back to users from the "unwanted" department and explain why their enrollment was cancelled. If there was an exclude-only option for departments, it would also make sense to have the course still available to the public (or option to toggle it on/off in ecommerce like it is when enrollment is set to all learners).

  • Guest
    Jun 14, 2024

    I would love if this feature was available. There are plenty of times when I need to enroll all departments except for one or two into a training. Having to manually add each individual department one-by-one is a chore.

  • Guest
    Nov 30, 2023

    Why is this a low probability of delivery? I regularly run into issues that require elaborate workarounds so this functionality would save time and reduce errors!

    Absorb Admin - could you clue us in on this?

  • Guest
    Nov 21, 2023

    This would also help us greatly - Department is a great way to slice our data, but the way this enrollment rule is set up now offers us hardly any value.

  • Guest
    Aug 22, 2023

    This would help me so much with a current requirement to allow 718 departments to self enrol but not allow 1 department. Ive just spent 10 mins manually selecting the depts that are allowed which seems an old fashioned way of doing it

  • Guest
    Aug 3, 2023

    This would help us so much as currently we have to create long winded work arounds with groups.

  • Guest
    Mar 23, 2023

    Unlikely to implement... Another shining example of why Absorb isn't ready for prime time.

  • Guest
    Mar 22, 2023

    Now 96 votes, it really looks like a need... we have this option for City, location, name.... Would really be nice to have it with Departments as well.

    Other option, if it's safer in terms of programming, would be to allow us to do a multiple selection of departments in the list of departments. Maybe with an option to select all, and the possibility to uncheck those we do not want.

  • Guest
    Dec 27, 2022

    I hope 87 votes is enough sufficent votes to reconsider!

  • Guest
    Dec 9, 2022

    My previous LMS (Cornerstone) allowed this functionality, not just for departments, but for every field. We used it all the time in an organisation with thousands of admins. I would argue the opposite of what Paul (admin) said below... having to put in 10+ rules to capture all other departments than there is of you that should receive an assignment has a higher risk of error than accidentally not including a department that you should have included. I agree it is required urgently, particularly when you consider organisations, such as mine, that have different languages and need to create the same 10+ departments PER language meaning there can be hundreds of languages! I'd end up having to add a ridiculous number of rules just to exlude a particular department.

  • Guest
    Nov 25, 2022

    This is a very needed feature. When creating courses for a large organization 2000+ it can take hours to create enrollments rules for a repartment or group that could be done in seconds if there was a exclusion option for department or group.

  • Guest
    Oct 13, 2022

    I'm desperately in need of this exact filtering. So often we have courses that are for very large groups less one job title, or less 1 dept. Trying to create a filter to include everyone except this small number of people is next to impossible. Would like Absorb to reconsider this request especially since there are so many votes for.

  • Guest
    Oct 3, 2022

    I have a department that has 19 sub-departments. At one point, we had our Interns in that department. Whenever I had to assign a course that wasn't relevant to interns, I had to put in 19 rules to capture EACH of the 19 sub-departments. If we had an option to include IS NOT, then I would have only had to do one rule -- IS NOT Interns. It was such a hassle that I eventually persuaded our HR team to change the entire structure of our company to put Interns as a separate department. There are definitely good use cases for using an IS NOT.

  • Guest
    Aug 10, 2022

    At 64 votes, it would appear that there is more than sufficient demand for this feature. Why the hold up? This is easily one of the most highly requested features in this Ideas portal.

  • Guest
    Jun 28, 2022

    I have come up with many cases when I wished I could filter by Department Is Not (the merged idea). I don't think this is a complex condition to understand for users.

  • Guest
    Jun 13, 2022

    Totally understand that this rule could be messy if not understood. What if there was an option to de-select the sub-departments that you don't want to include instead?

  • Admin
    Paul Gheran
    Jun 13, 2022

    Hello Admins,

    "Is not" casts such a large net that it is more prone to error, and has potential for such impactful consequences that we've never felt comfortable putting it in our rule builders. There is a sort of 'sweet spot' for clients who will really get value from this (in comparison to our other features which we target more broadly) because they have to be of sufficient complexity that inclusive rules are arduous, but not so complex that the total impact isn't fully understood. That's why it goes un-implemented to this day!

    But if this idea gets sufficient votes, we will definitely reconsider our position.

  • Guest
    Jun 13, 2022

    I would like "department is not" as a filter option for all reports and functions within the site.

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Add filter option for "Department is NOT"

When filtering by department, add an option to exclude a department, or group of departments from the list. This would be very helpful to us when I am trying to target things to our franchisees and exclude corporate employees.
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Low Probability of Delivery