Building timed quiz in Create will help build quizzes and exams that are time sensitive in nature. Today without this capability it is not possible to build an exam / assessment where we could gauge the user's expertise in a time-bound environment.
This idea is really crucial for enhancing students' learning experience. We are conducting different assessments that are supposed to be limited in time for students. I think it will be useful for many companies.
Dear Absorb team,
This idea is really crucial for enhancing students' learning experience. We are conducting different assessments that are supposed to be limited in time for students. I think it will be useful for many companies.
Let us know if it's possible to add?
This would be a good addition to the quizzes for us as well!
We are looking for use case # 2 - To set time limit for the overall quiz and not for individual questions.
Thank you for submitting the idea. We are currently reviewing our quizzes, and we will investigate the possibility of creating a timed quiz.
To help us investigate, what are you looking for?
Timed questions : Each question is assigned a time limit
Overall time for the quiz and not setting time for each question separately