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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 2, 2022

Flexible Platform Management for Multiple Locations

Each of our departments are currently actually individual locations that we partner with, similar to a franchise with independent owners.

There are many instances where these locations would want to manage some of their own portal settings. Some examples would be custom SMTP, departments, template management, default reports, default evaluations, custom field management, etc. Ideally, there would be system admin functionality to lock specific settings or fields, all locations would share the catalog and inherit the system settings with options for customization. The system admin could then control assignments to full network, reporting on all locations, but portal management for specific locations would be decentralized.

It would be great to see an admin management experience that could support the needs of multiple locations at this level. We can can work around it now but it does cause limitations.

I envision the system admin view to look very similar to the current platform with the data from all locations but with the option to go into each locations instance if needed. In each instance, the admin would see similar settings to the current system admin.

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