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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 7, 2022

Allow uploads to be graded / New Assignment Learning Object

We need a way of grading and giving feedback to user's submitted assignments. For example, a student has been set an assignment i.e. a task. They download the Word document from an online course from either an 'object' learning object or from a Resource and fill in the document with their essay answer. They then need to upload back into the system and get it graded by the tutor. The tutor needs to be able to comment on the upload and give it a score.

Currently we get the student to upload via a course upload, download, get the tutor to annotate and mark and then email the document back to the student. This isn't a good practice, we need one system to handle this process. Other LMS have this built in by standard, so I'm not sure why absorb doesn't.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jan 9, 2024

    This simple feature would allow us to better serve clients in the educational space and increase revenue as it opens up a whole new client base.

    It has so many applications:

    • Educational institutes can now allow learners to submit assignments, videos, anything, for grading

    • Sales teams can use this for helping onboard and coach reps - many sales teams have to use a sales specific LMS for this feature alone, whereas ours is more robust but misses this crucial component