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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 22, 2021

Variable certificate expiration dates per person

Say I have a forklift training course and I would like the next round of trainees to have a different expiration date than the last class. I can do that by editing the certificate expiration date to X days after completion BUT, if I have someone who has forklift training from outside the company (which we still need to keep track of) I HAVE to make them a custom course so their expiration date is correct since it may be a month from now or a year from now and wont fall on that "time since completion" date. If there was a way to edit a course certificate per individual it would be fantastic, solve this issue and possible help others with similar issues. Maybe there can be an option under the completion tab that says "Create custom certificate for user" they you select a user who is enrolled in the course and enter the certificate details. Then there would be no more custom courses per individual and a much much MUCH easier data extraction process.

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