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Status Low Probability of Delivery
Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 14, 2022

Publish List of Known Bugs for Admin Awareness

Admins currently have no way of knowing if or when known bugs are affecting their users' experience in Absorb. The only way to find out if a known bug is affecting a user experience is to encounter it yourself or have a user report an issue. Either of which still require the creation of a support ticket and usually several messages exchanged with support to eventually find out that a known bug is negatively impacting user experience.

If Absorb identifies a bug that directly impacts user experience, I'd like to have a dashboard or notification in place to alert me to any potential impact to my users. This is especially important for bugs affecting critical workflows used by many users that take weeks or months to resolve (e.g. a current bug that causes courses made in Create with multiple quizzes to prematurely complete after the first quiz is passed - this has significant implications for coursework that MUST be completed and passed).

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  • Guest
    Jul 23, 2024

    I would love to know why Absorb marked this as "Low Probability of Delivery"

  • Guest
    Sep 8, 2023

    Every major tech platform we use has at least a basic list of platform health and also bugs that are major enough to be aware of due to the impact on the end users. Im sorry to see this marked as "low probablity of delivery"

  • Guest
    Jul 25, 2023

    I second this. It would be nice to know what bugs are currently out there so we can be proactive in our communications with our institutional subscribers, instead of waiting for users to report a problem to us.