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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 3, 2022

Add a Mass Action to Update a Field for selected Users/Keys/Courses

Specifically, I run into the issue of creating mass sets of Enrollment Keys or I enroll users for a very specific set of courses as for custom period of time. I have had cases where the client needed all of their keys Expiry Date extended 5 months and I had to sit and go through each Enrollment Key set and set the new Expiry Date. Some users who have been added to review a custom group of courses have also required an Expiry extension. In both the setup and extension process I have to go into each course for that user that I want to extend and set that date. Doesn't sound like much, but if I have 3 users at 1 organization reviewing 20 courses each, or 80 enrollment keys to update, then it feels like this is feasible to achieve with a database action that updates all selected records (kind of like when we import users and set some fields to all have the same value upon import).

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  • Guest
    Apr 12, 2024

    Need this feature. I need to update 2000+ enrollment keys to add another course, change expiration dates, etc. Being forced to update these things one at a time is just not feasible.

  • Guest
    Apr 6, 2023

    Agreed. I have over 2,400 courses in the LMS, and I need to change the Enrollment Rules for most of them. I would love to NOT have to do this one course at a time.