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205 VOTE
Status Under Consideration
Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 24, 2021

Add an audit trail report for system admins

An audit trail report would be a list of important admin activities that could show things like changes to completion status or enrollment activities. In its simplest version, it would show the action, who performed it, and when.

We are in a heavily regulated industry that is subject to frequent audits and reviews, and if we are asked for this type of information currently, our only recourse is to request it from Absorb, which means the data exists already but is not currently available to system admins - this report would simply expose existing data.

On the admin UX side of things, this would also help us untangle mysteries such as who enrolled a specific user into the wrong course, so we can provide remediation and make sure that supervisor admin knows the correct course for future enrollment activities.

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  • Guest
    Aug 30, 2024

    This is a common need in most large healthcare organizations, particularly when investigating competency issues or where there has been a patient safety incident. It's critical that we are able to deeply investigate and audit any actions related to learning activities within our LMS with a high degree of confidence. This is rooted in our risk, quality and patient safety paradigms.

  • Guest
    Aug 2, 2024

    I am 100% for this. I have a current issue regarding Groups. Someone removed over 20 plus Groups and Absorb is unable to prove a change log. They pointed me to this chat. They asked how many Groups did you have before and do I know of the Groups that are missing. We did a refresh a early this week and I'm unable to provide that because Sandbox matches. I'm am a very disappoint client right now.

  • Guest
    Jun 18, 2024

    I see this is under consideration, any update or timeline?

  • Guest
    Jan 31, 2024

    Critical for us would be auditing 'session' enrolments/changes etc.

    Each of our stores may have multiple admins, so would be good to know 'WHO' did an action with a 'session enrolment'.

  • Guest
    Sep 7, 2023

    We need this to track adoption. We have hundreds of customers, and each customer has at least one admin to manage their employees. We want to track what they are doing as admins. Are they adding users? Are they enrolling users? Are they editing other errors that they should not? This will help us avoid mistakes and improve our Absorb admin training.

  • Guest
    May 26, 2023

    Would love the ability to audit who has approved a course upload

  • Guest
    Apr 20, 2023

    The critical piece that we would need in relation to this idea is more detailed logging for enrollments. Specifically information related to deletion of enrollments and 'deleted by' data to be captured. Currently there is very limited enrollment information visible in the UI, and reports related to deleted enrollments require work from the data integrations team.

  • Guest
    Apr 20, 2023

    Honestly, this is a critical gap within the this application and ANY application that does not provide logging of activities for audit and security. This isn't a "nice to have" or optional functionality, this should be built into the foundation of any app within any industry.

  • Guest
    Dec 22, 2022

    Hi Paul,

    We are pleased to see that these two columns have been added to the Activity Feed Report. And also glad to read that this is still a work in progress.

    There are two scenarios that would be beneficial to us in the Activity Feed Report.

    1. When a new hire is added to the system, they are automatically enrolled in specific compliance curricula before they have even started. However, the Activity Feed shows these Enrollments as being Initialed by the User themselves, whereas it seems like it would make more sense to show this being initiated by the System.

    2. When an Admin Enrolls a user in a Instructor Led Course that the user had already completed (and they should have been re-enrolled or not enrolled at all). It would be nice to be able to see who initiated this Enrollment. However, I am guessing because the Enrollment Date is not Updated, there is no record of who initiated the Enrollment.

    I sent specific examples to our CSM.

  • Guest
    Nov 28, 2022

    This is fantastic news! We have been waiting for this for quite some time - thank you thank you!

  • Admin
    Paul Gheran
    Nov 28, 2022

    Hello Admins!

    I am happy to inform you that we've provided a tool to assist and help close this auditing gap included in our November 27, 2022 major release!

    We have updated the Activity Feed Report - accessible by selecting a user on the Users Report, then using the Activity Feed tool that appears in the right-hand side Actions pane - to include this information. Now when you find a Learner enrolled somewhere they shouldn't be, it is easy to go to that User's Activity Feed report to find out how they got the suspicious enrollment.

    On the Activity Feed Report, you will find two new columns which can be filtered and included in exports, just like any other column:

    Initiated by:

    • This is the account that performed the Activity.

    • If an admin manually enrolled or unenrolled the learner, manually completed an enrollment, or manually granted a competency, the Admin's account name will appear here.

    • If the Learner affected enrollment activity, made a comment, or earned a competency the Learner's account name will appear here.

    • When the current admin doesn’t have permission to view the account that initiated the action, this column will show N/A.

    Impersonated by:

    • If an impersonation was going on, the account of the impersonator will appear here.

    • If there was not an impersonation going on, this column will say N/A.

    • You may even see a System Admin impersonating a Department Admin and performing an action on the learner as that Department Admin.

    • When the current admin doesn’t have permission to view the Impersonating user account, this column will show N/A.

    We understand that this does not completely address the audit record in its' entirety, and will not be closing or calling this feature 'implemented' until we have provided something that does. In the meantime we look forward to your feedback on this and any other feature as we continually improve Absorb LMS!


  • Guest
    May 3, 2022

    Could not agree more.. there is a great dependency on Absorb to pull an audit report. Most of the softwires in the industry provide easy access to audit trail from individual records or at least in the report form within the system itself.

  • Guest
    Mar 2, 2022

    Huge +1 for this. As our company has grown we have added Admins. It would be very helpful to know what Admins have done what if/when we discover an error. It would definitely be nice in the Enrollment screen for courses whose Enrollment Method is "Admin" to know which Admin created the enrollment.

  • Guest
    Nov 5, 2021

    We love this idea and are currently exploring how to implement auditing of Admin actions across the LMS. Thank you for sharing the additional context around your use case with us!

  • Guest
    Oct 6, 2021

    In general the audit functionalities needs to be enhanced.

    It should be possible to track which changes were done by a user etc.

    An overall audit trails of all changes (with categories) is be helpful