It is great to be able to add a tempalte to a department. But it would be fantastic that the tiles inside the Parent template could open on a child templtates.
Example of workflow is listed...
In the Parent template there is a tile with All my Courses. When the user click here it opens a list of all the categories including the courses that are here. This is shown in the list/detail, card view.
Here it will look like a structure with 3 folders
Wish for the future:
In the Parent template there is a tile with All my Courses. When the user clik here it opens a Child template, but here is the categories new tiles that can be personlized with pictures.
Here is a banner of that sub deparments/work area and then 3 icons related to the assignment for the user.
This gives the possibility to add graphis in the Child template to personlize different work area for the users.
Thank you for sharing your idea with us. After careful consideration, we’ve determined that we are unable to prioritize this suggestion at this time. While we value your request, our current roadmap commitments and resource limitations prevent us from addressing it in the near future.
Rest assured, your idea remains in our repository, and we will revisit it as we consider potential enhancements to templates, including the ability to create child templates within them.
Your feedback is vital in shaping our platform, and we truly appreciate your effort in contributing to its growth.