Course past due message should be at the course level, not the template level
It would be nice to include a course past due message at the course level where you could customize it, not have it send at all. have it send more than once etc. etc. More flexibility with messages please!
This 100%. The message I'd like to send regarding being past due requires custom and unique information relative the course. If not the past due message. Multiple unique Nudges should be made avail that I can send a periodic message every 2 weeks, and then a different specific message triggered at 10 weeks.
100% Agree with this!! This needs to be at the course level and also need to be able to add the Supervisor to this. Please add this feature!
This 100%. The message I'd like to send regarding being past due requires custom and unique information relative the course. If not the past due message. Multiple unique Nudges should be made avail that I can send a periodic message every 2 weeks, and then a different specific message triggered at 10 weeks.