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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 14, 2022

View more than 20 names when creating a group or enrolling users

In the previous admin portal (A5), we had the ability to view more than 20 users when manually enrolling them in a course or creating a new group. In the Admin Experience it cuts off after 20 and displays a message "too many items to list." We would like to see this feature brought back in the Admin Experience and be able to view all of the users that we are adding to a group or self-enrolling if it's more than 20.

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  • Guest
    Nov 11, 2023

    There are cases where the users need to be added manually because they do not fit neatly into a category or rule.

  • Guest
    Nov 10, 2023

    Thank you everyone for your comments.

    We want to highlight a couple of items.

    The intended use of the add" Manual" is to work this way for accessibility reasons; we don't want to display more than 20 users.

    Our recommendation is to use automatic rules to assign users to a group if you have more than 20 users.

    You can still delete and select from the drop-down list when the message is displayed:" Too many selected items to display"

  • Guest
    May 4, 2023

    Here is another reason this would be helpful. I was just manually creating a group of 50+ users. I mistakenly hit delete or backspace when I was entering person #51 and instead of adjusting them I ended up deleting the full 50 names (because it is now grouped as 1 element under the users field).

    So here I go again....manually trying to enter those names and praying I don't make a keystroke error.

  • Guest
    Feb 4, 2023

    At least add a button under View Users for said group that allows me to remove or add a user to the group.

  • Guest
    Feb 4, 2023

    OMG!!! Please. How is this NOT a fix in development? I can't even edit or remove groups with 20 or more users. What's the point of saying too many items to list? Might as well just tell us" "This group can no longer be managed because too many users are assigned manually. Start from scratch. Game over."