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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 15, 2022

Temporarily Back-Up deleted curriculum and courses. Track deleted courses by date deleted and admin

We just had a situation where a curriculum was deleted but the courses in it were not. The curriculum had enrollments and associated enrollment keys. And Admin must have accidentally deleted it but we cannot track this. 2 new related ideas:

  1. When a course/curriculum is deleted, automatically create a temporary back-up with word DELETED in front of the title. Perhaps keep it for 30-60 days? We figured out there was a problem within 5 days so had we had a back-up curriculum, I could have renamed it and all would have been fine. Now I have to rebuild it, unenroll folks from the courses in the curriculum, re-enroll them in the new curriculum, remake all associated enrollment keys connected to new curriculum and change all promo links with the new links to curriculum.

  2. We have no idea who, how or when the curriculum deletion happened. Add a report or Date Deleted column to Courses search feature. And add which Admin deleted it by email address.

Thanks for your consideration.

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  • Guest
    Dec 15, 2022

    Agreed! Both these ideas could not only atone for the many hours that are put into building a course but also provide peace of mind to those who do the building. Absorb is far too intuituve to not offer back-up options.