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Status Unreviewed
Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 29, 2021

Ability to add custom fields to Departments

Currently, custom fields are only available on users. It would be beneficial to add custom fields on Departments. This would simplify availability rules by having the logic at the Department level. Today, for example in order to distinguish the type of Customer using the LMS, we must use user custom fields.

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  • Guest
    Nov 1, 2023

    We would love this. We are also using users to track misc information that is the same for ALL users within a department - much larger opportunity for user error (ie. the incorrect data for all users within a dept or missing information where the user is missing info)... so many people can create & edit users (and this need won't change), we can't police them to all create users with the correct info (especially when some of the info is hidden). Ideally we have fields on the department so we can tie to department and then it applies to all users inherently under that department), this means we only have to update in 1 spot and less people have access to departments (for us and likely for others) so we can ensure departments are created/updated correctly. This is much more manageable (updating 100s of departments versus thousands of users).

    1 reply

Ability to add a custom field to Departments

We would benefit from the ability to add custom fields to Departments. We need a way to filter by our customers that are currently onboarding. Adding a custom field to a department would help, especially if we were also able to assign rules that w...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Unreviewed

Expanded custom field options

Many of our departments need to have their own custom fields, which are very specific only to them. Currently however, when you add a custom field, it is visible to all admins regardless of department and can be quite confusing for admins to see c...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed