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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 19, 2023

Department Inactivation vs. Deletion

Our departments are based off of our office locations (mostly). Some offices are opened only if we have a large number of employees or if a client requests that we have a physical location in that area. So there could be times where we open, then close, then have to re-open a location/department.

In the system, we are only allowed the ability to delete a location. Why can we not be given the option to simply inactivate a location like we do with users?

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  • Guest
    Nov 29, 2023

    And departments cannot be deleted if inactive users are assigned (which many times we have), so the dept is active, users are not but someone could still get assigned to the active dept even though it is inactive.

    Once a dept is marked inactive, it should not show up in the dept filters elsewhere for users, courses, etc. or as an option to assign a user to.