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Created by Guest
Created on Feb 5, 2023

Press a button to have an image go off screen at play point instead of entering time

The basis is for my course is an on-camera presenter; I am uploading each video section and then adding images or power point pages over or alongside him. The default is, these images stay on the screen until the end of the video slide. But I need them to go off the screen at specific points. So, I toggle the button that turns off the image staying on the screen until the end of the slide, but now I have to enter the minutes / seconds / frames where I want it to exit. I have been playing my video to see where each image should go off the screen, and pausing it right where the image should go off so I know the counter number to punch in; rather than entering the counter each time, I wish there was a button like, "End image here", which I could press, and the current spot of my playhead is entered as the counter for where the image should end. It would be so much easier to drop my image in, play the video until the image should go off, press pause, click the button to tell Absorb to end my image here, and move on. As it stands, with sometime a dozen or more images in a section, I am entering and tweaking counter numbers way too much, wasting a lot of time.

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