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Categories Integration
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 5, 2021

LinkedIn Learning Courses

Get the Language field from the LinkedIn Learning API and import it to the Language field in Absorb.

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  • Admin
    Jeremy Yanofsky
    Sep 15, 2023

    Absorb team continues to review our LinkedIn content integration for additional functionality, and this idea may come to pass at some point in the future. At this time, it is not scheduled on our roadmaps, but we are not dismissing this as a possible future addition.

  • Guest
    Nov 22, 2022

    an additional benefit: would be great if we could export the LinkedIn Learning Library content report from Absorb. Currently there is no way to export this page.

  • Guest
    Nov 16, 2022

    Agree with this. Would also be great to have a "release date" or "updated date" for the individual courses. would assist in reducing duplicate course imports. Will also add to Joy's comment on talking with LinkedIn... in my conversations they state they surface all this data and more and it is up to the LMS to allow the data to be visible to it's clients.

  • Guest
    Jul 5, 2022

    Hi Jeremy - Yes, Language needs to be an option on the Content Report so that we can filter out specific content to convert into our systems.

  • Admin
    Jeremy Yanofsky
    Jul 4, 2022

    Thank you for this recommended addition. I'd like to confirm if you're looking for this piece of meta-data be added so that you can make the decision on the Absorb Content report as to which courses to convert to be eligible for enrollment by your learners?

  • Guest
    May 4, 2022

    I agree with Joy's comment below. We have to go in and convert the LinkedIn Learning courses over and there are over 15,000 courses showing for us because we can't filter by language. We don't have the capacity to scroll through that many courses and convert them 1000 at a time!

  • Guest
    May 3, 2022

    I second this! I was on a call today with our LinkedIn Learning Rep and was asked to continue to submit this idea to Absorb. I know with other content libraries, Absorb allows a language field and it should be also included through the LinkedIn Learning Library. There are over 17,000 courses in this full library and Language needs to be a filter to be able to search by for courses.