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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 10, 2023

File Manager - replace file to not add (#) to filename to maintain URL

We replace files quite often and if we use the replace file option, it adds a (#) to the end of the filename. I do understand that doesn't break any links within Absorb, however if we link to files from outside of Absorb, those links do not work now. So what we currently do is go to File Manager, locate the file, and delete it, then go to Global Resources, find that resource, and add the new file. This can be time-consuming when you have many files to update. To me, the replace file feature is not a TRUE replace file feature since it changes the filename.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Sep 19, 2024

    HI there! Just following up again on a solution to this? I cant delete a file and reupload a new one without it giving it a (#) at the end which always kills the URL that is contained within sooo many learning content files.

  • Guest
    Sep 8, 2024

    hi just wondering if there has been any resolution to this? We also require URL for files to remain the same when updating the file.

  • Guest
    Oct 18, 2023

    I'm back! Just to give more on this topic....It’s very frustrating to replace a file and the updates are not available immediately. If the new file manager allowed for a file to be deleted, maybe it would solve this problem. I don’t know but this is an awful process. We update documents regularly so to not have an efficient way to truly replace a document and to see the updates immediately makes us wish we never moved our documents from Sharepoint and into Absorb. This needs to be fixed asap. The new file manager is awesome in many ways but to not be able to delete a file there (or have a true replace) is ridiculous, to be honest.

  • Guest
    Apr 21, 2023

    Uploads of new files to File Manager should be real-time. It should not take days to show changes. I also agree that the replace file feature is not a TRUE replace file feature since it changes the filename. Please review and improve this process for Admins.

  • Guest
    Apr 21, 2023

    To add...because I have to go and remove the old file under Files, go back to Resources and find that resource, upload the new file, what is happening is the new file is not showing up sometimes for days. This is not good at all. When a process changes or there is a system change and we need to update a job aid, we can't have it take 3-5 days to show those changes. We choose Absorb because of the idea of a one stop shop for all training but maintaining our documents here has been awful. Please review this request and figure out a solution.

  • Guest
    Feb 13, 2023

    I was told that the new file manager would improve my workflow as with the old file manager, I had to go through and delete all the files I had to update, then go to the Global Resources and upload the new file versions for each course. The new file manager was supposed to stop this process. However, as the file name changes, this is not the case. The reason I need the file name to remain the same is that I provide the URL to people to directly access the correct resource, for example in our helpdesk ticketing solution. I update ~60 Global Resources each month and that number will increase as I add more languages, so this longer process is very time consuming.