When a course evaluation is requested the learner still needs to go to the course and this often gets forgotten.
Would be great if the learner would receive a notification after completing the online course or after the ILC session is over with a direct link to the evaluation form.
This would increase the response rate
We have a workaround for this. We set up some of our ILCs as curriculums. The curriculum houses the ILC and the evaluation online course. Once someone is marked Complete on the ILC, we have a post-enrollment rule that enrolls them in the evaluation course. The automated completion email for the ILC includes a link to the evaluation course.
To do this without a curriculum for an online course, we include a link to the course in the automated reminder/nudge emails for the course with wording such as "Reminder: Complete Your XYZ Course and Evaluation. Once both the course and evaluation are complete, you will be able to access your certificate. Access your course and evaluation by clicking the following link: xyz".
If trying to do this without a curriculum for an ILC, Absorb needs to add a course-level automated reminder/nudge email for ILCs that does not stop once the ILC date has passed. The session reminder email is not helpful in this situation since it stops once the ILC is over, but you would need people to complete the evaluation after the ILC is over.
When will a link to course evaluations automatically be sent to learners upon completion of ILC? We cannot encourage evaluation responses routinely without this feature. It seems like a no brainer that this would be the default, especially if an when evaluations are a requirement for course completion (we have many learners who status remains "in progress" due to their lack of awareness about the need to evaluate the course in order for the course to show up on their learner transcript). Please prioritize this and advise as to your timeline.
Please implement this. All we need is a shareable link or something so learners don't have to do the evaluation, but are encouraged or reminded to.
Can you please let us know why this has been removed from the roadmap? The current evaluation strategy is not smooth for ILC delivery because the learner is not in the LMS for the course, so they have to access the LMS, navigate to their transcript, find the course session, and complete the LMS after the course is complete which is a lot of unnecessary steps. A link would be much cleaner.
Thank you for taking the time to contribute to this idea. We regularly review your feedback and it is instrumental to our feature prioritization and development process. After reviewing our most recent data and client feedback, we have decided to remove this item from our roadmap. It will be re-evaluated for inclusion on our roadmap in the future though, so please continue to share your feedback and your votes here.
Hello Demetrio, do we have any update on when this will be implemented?
Thank you for this idea. We are working to streamline our course completion for our next generation of LE and this item has been added to the list of beneficial features for 2022. More specific dates will be provided once our 2022 roadmap is available.