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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on May 9, 2023

Expand "Disable Emails" Tool

Currently, we have the ability to disable emails coming from the system. This is found in our Portal Settings. Requesting this tool be expanded into individual Learners (VPs, CEOs, etc.) while providing override options.

For example, we want to restrict Jane Doe, the VP of HR, from receiving emails from the LMS that may be unnecessary, like monthly toolboxes. However Jane Doe is still required by mandate to complete Harassment-Free Workplace courses.

  • Absorb Admin would go into Jane Doe's "Edit Profile" and select Disable Emails to her account.

  • When setting up the Harassment-Free Workplace, an option would be provided under Accessibility section with an Override Messages toggle, that would allow emails to pull from this specific, important course that all users must take.

  • Attach files