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Categories Analyze
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 21, 2023

Analyze Reporting Additional Data

We have added the LinkedIn Learning (LIL) import tool and connection from Absorb to LIL and are having issues telling who the courses are available to in the catalog. There are currently over 8k of the 20k worth of courses on LinkedIn and would like to start adding the other ones as we need. The issue with this is that we are unable to tell if these are available to only the employees, we want to have access or not. We release these via the availability rule setting it to Department as the defining piece.

  • Request: Add data to Analyze to be able to see what qualifier is set on a courses "Allow Self Enrollment" and "Allow Automatic Enrollment" to be able to report what departments the courses are available to.

  • Example: Department 1 is set to "Allow Self Enrollment" via department and subdepartments setting.

In the above example, we are unable to audit our own courses to tell which departments have access on a bulk scale with ease. If you can add just this data point to Analyze, we would be able to pull a report with this and confirm all 8k+ courses are being provided to the specific employees that we desire.

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  • Admin
    Majesty Igwenagu
    Jun 27, 2023

    Hi Achzenick,

    I tried creating a widget with the information you've shared and I believe we support this use case today. I'll share a screenshot, please let me know if this addresses your need.