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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 21, 2023

Field level permissions

We'd love the ability to be able to flag certain fields for "Sys Admin update only". So any admin with update permissions on Users CANNOT update the fields we've flagged (these might be Absorb standard fields or custom fields we've created). There are many fields we need/want our admins to update and so they require admin permissions, but other ones they should only be able to view and sys admins are the only ones that can update.

I imagine a page similar to the custom fields page in the portal settings where there are a list of fields from the user page and we can choose the setting permissions from a drop-down (like with the custom fields), but need one that is Admin read-only. The current read only is only for learners.

Another option would be to somehow say which roles can view, edit fields (if this is easier to accomplish).

I have an immediate need on Users, but also see this valuable in other places (courses comes to mind).

Summary: Ability to set permission on fields so admins can view but not edit (except for Sys Admin) even if they have update permissions in their role for that object.

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