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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 25, 2023

Force certain Admin roles to follow ILC settings when enrolling

Today when setting up ILCs there are settings to control self-enrollment such as: max class size, adding to waitlist, enrollment open and closing date/time, etc. This is great and helpful for self-enrollment but we have admins that like to manage their user's enrollments and so would like to require them to adhere to same settings/guidelines as user's that self-enroll.

Ideally only system admins (or create a permission checkbox for this in roles we can assign to specific roles as needed) can enroll overriding the ILC session settings and all other admins can only see classes to enroll into that have settings that allow it (ie. seats available, open enrollment period, etc.).

The interface to enroll doesn't need to change, just the classes they can see based on these settings.

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  • Guest
    Oct 31, 2023

    This has become a problem for us as we need to book flights for some ILC course and Managers are able to add to the list without us knowing. Which also doesn't give us time to book flights or accommodation if required.